Have you packed it Right for This Vacation?

image source: mexicovacationrental.org
It feels so excited when we plan a vacation. I, as a travel freak, start making my travel plans immediately after finalizing a vacation that what I am going to carry, what kind of dress, what kind of footwear etc. But, keeping all these things aside, it’s always better to pack smart. And this thing becomes even more important when you travel solo.
After going on several trips solo and in groups, I have realized the importance of some essentials that you must need to carry along. So, today I am going to discuss the things that you just can’t avoid if you are packing for vacation.

1. Check all your Documents

The first and foremost thing that comes first in priority list is your documents. Make sure you have all the papers ready because a minor negligence in papers can cost your whole trip. Documents that you should keep ready are:
Personal ID
Credit, Debit cards
Print-out for tickets and hotel booking
Health and travel insurance cards and papers
Print out of emergency addresses and contact numbers (to be used in case any trouble arises with gadgets)
Original doctor’s prescription (if any, and if you are carrying those medicines)

2. Choose your Luggage

The kind and size of your luggage greatly depend on the type of vacation you are going for. If you are going for only a 2 or 3-day trip, then a backpack or a small carry bag can do. But, if it is a month’s plan then it should be big enough to carry all your essentials. Make sure it should be light-weight, easy to carry, and should have wheels so that you can easily drag it.

3. A Carry Bag

A carry or a handbag is important for putting all the small essentials so that there is no need to open the main luggage, again and again, to take out small things. The things that can be carried in this handbag are:
Mobile phones/ gadgets/ chargers/ Ear-phones
Sunglasses/ eye-masks
Sanitizer/ a pack of wipes
Medicine (in case you need to take it while traveling)
Lip balm/moisturizer
A Pen

4. Comfortable, All Purpose Shoes

Even if your packing space is allowing you to carry multiple pairs of shoes, also try not to increase the count more than three. Also make sure that a pair of comfortable walking shoes, a kind of all-purpose shoes should be included among these three pairs. They will not only allow you to walk that extra mile, but you will also be able to wear them on dinners and city outings. I own an OTBT Lunar to use as a multipurpose shoe, it looks good and provides amazing comfort. So, I make sure to carry it along wherever I go.

5. Plastic Bags

Plastic bags may not take even a fraction of your space, but they can provide some great help. The multiple purposes in which they can be used are:
For putting waste or trash
To separate out wet or dirty clothes
In organizing small things, plastic bags keep them visible and separate
For putting the footwear

6. Medicines and First-Aid Kit

Don’t do any negligence towards your health if you are planning to travel, otherwise, it will become very difficult for you to manage things away from home. That’s why medicines are a must to carry if something is prescribed for you by the doctor. Also, prepare the first-aid kit for things like:
Pain reliefs
Eye drops
Mosquito repellent and

7. Save Some Space

Airlines always follow a weight limit, don’t fill your bag exactly up to that. In fact, it would be better to leave some space in your luggage for accommodating that stuff that you are going to purchase from the local market of that place. So, it’s always better to leave some room for those items that are going to come with you after that trip.

These were some of the things that you should take care to carry along while going out for a trip. Also manage your things well in time, so that you don’t forget anything and also to avoid that last minute hassle. Always remember that management of big as well as small things is important in traveling to prevent ruining of travel experiences.


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